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Protect Yourself from EEE and West Nile Virus in Massachusetts

Each summer, Massachusetts residents trying to enjoy the outdoors are confronted with one of the...

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Celebrate a Pest-Free 4th of July

Who doesn't love a 4th of July celebration? There's food, drink, fireworks, hopefully sunshine......

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How to Find the Best South Shore Tick Control

If you're looking for the best tick control for your South Shore home, it's important to realize...

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Mothers in the Pest World

It's Mother's Day this weekend, and while we may like to think we have nothing in common with...

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Ticks in Massachusetts Don't Discriminate

Story time: Like many kids, my son's favorite thing to do is play outside after school, especially...

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Can You Tell the Difference Between Termites and Flying Ants?

It's that time of year, when the phones at the Burgess Pest office come alive with calls about...

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Tick-Borne Diseases in Massachusetts: What You Should Know

Ticks may be small, but their bite can pack a big punch; in fact, Powassan virus, one of the many...

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April Showers Bring May Flowers (And Pests, Too)

Think pests in New England take a break when it rains? Think again.

We're all familiar with the...

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Bugs & Kisses: Valentine's Day for Pests

Did you hear about the bed bugs that fell in love? They got married in the spring!

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Is It Too Early To Think About Mosquito Control?

Every New Englander knows that winter can bring us just about anything. On any given day, we could...

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