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With high daytime temperatures kicking off August, bees in Massachusetts are turning up the heat right now.

Many of the summertime pests we encounter in New England have their pros and cons - even mosquitoes, for all the itchy bites and illnesses they can bestow upon us, serve a purpose as part of the food chain for a number of animals.

wasp removal MassachusettsBees are certainly one of the creatures we have a love/hate relationship with: While these pollinators play an important role in our environment, they can also pose a serious threat when in close proximity to our homes and businesses, or in outdoor areas frequented by people and pets - especially when bee sting allergies are present, which can be life-threatening.

The good news is, there are ways to avoid bee stings and the uncomfortable, sometimes dangerous, results:

  • Avoid loose clothing: The last thing you want is a bee inside your shirt!
  • Stay calm: Swatting at a bee can provoke a sting.
  • Don't get confused for a flower: Avoid scented lotions, hair products, and perfumes, and steer clear of brightly colored clothing.
  • Eliminate attractants: Food, drinks, and garbage can lure bees in. For outdoor events, keep food and beverages covered and trash sealed, and avoid serving or eating food near flowering plants.
  • "Bee" aware of your surroundings: Before spending time outside, look around for signs of nests or activity.
  • Do not attempt to treat nests! Which brings us to our next point...

What Should I Do If I Find a Bees Nest?

One of the most obvious ways to avoid bee stings is to keep your distance if you see a nest, and call a bee removal expert. Aside from the risk of being stung, there are other reasons this is not a project to take on on your own:

bees nest removal MassachusettsProper identification: Stinging insects in Massachusetts can be difficult for the untrained eye to identify. If you don't know exactly what type of bee is setting up shop on your property, self-treating can be complicated, ineffective, and dangerous. Additionally, if it turns out to be honey bees you're dealing with, they are protected by law and should be safely removed by a beekeeper.

Making it worse: If you see bees coming from an opening in your house, DIY bee control can exacerbate the problem. Over-the-counter products sprayed directly into the hole will only serve to drive bees deeper into the void, and even to the interior of your home.

Massachusetts Bee Removal Experts

The bottom line is, while we can appreciate all that bees do for the ecosystem, we don't necessarily want to get up close and personal with them. When it comes to bee control, it's always best to call the professionals. The bee removal experts at Burgess Pest are trained and certified in this dangerous work, and are capable of getting rid of even the most complicated bees nests. Give us a buzz for more information!

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And for more tips and tricks for summertime pest control, grab your free copy of our 2024 Summer Pest Guidebook here!

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