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Who doesn't love a 4th of July celebration? There's food, drink, fireworks, hopefully sunshine... Unfortunately, living in New England means there are plenty of pests who are all too comfortable inviting themselves to our festivities. No need to panic - there are ways to keep unwelcome guests of the crawling, biting, stinging, and generally annoying variety from crashing your 4th of July cookout.

Summer pest control tips Massachusetts

The 4 pests most likely to bombard your barbecue are:

Ants. Already on the hunt for protein and carbohydrates from blooming plants, ants may be drawn in by the allure of food scraps and sweet beverages. 

Mosquitoes. These potentially dangerous nuisances could be breeding on your property already, and a 4th of July gathering with lots of people in attendance is like an all-you-can-eat buffet for hungry mosquitoes.

Stinging insects. The sweet aromas of food and drink are bound to bring bees to your backyard - especially if you have flowering plants on your property.

Flies. Generally, flies are looking for one of two things: decaying organic matter or sugary substances. While we tend to think of flies as little more than an annoyance, the fact is that flies tend to frequent some pretty nasty places and can spread disease to humans by landing on food.

So how can you declare independence from pests this holiday?

  • Keep things clean and covered. Periodically wipe down cooking, serving, and eating areas; keep food and beverage covered when possible; ensure that garbage and recycling bins are securely closed.
  • Steer clear of flowering plants. Keep serving and eating areas away from flowering plants to reduce your risk of a run-in with stinging insects. It also helps to check for nesting or activity on your property prior to hosting an outdoor event.
  • Freshen up the water. Reduce standing water by emptying wheelbarrows, gardening tools, tire swings, and other items that collect water. Water in pet dishes, wading pools, bird baths and other sources should be changed regularly.
  • Tidy the yard. Remove leaf litter and yard debris to reduce harborage and breeding areas for mosquitoes, ticks, rodents, and other pests.
  • Let the light in. Keep grass, shrubbery, and trees trimmed to allow natural light. Most pests prefer dark, shady, damp areas.
  • Use repellent. Have EPA-approved repellents on hand to protect against mosquito and tick bites.

Summer pest control Massachusetts

For even more tips and information about common summertime pests, check out our free 2024 Summer Pest Guidebook here.

We hope you enjoy your 4th of July completely free from pests! If they just won't give you your independence, the Burgess Pest team has your back - and an estimate is always free.

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