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Summer travel isn't suppose to bite. 

But with kids out of school for the summer and many families heading out on summer vacations, the threat of bed bug bites is enough to make you think twice about staying in a hotel. Confirmed cases of Massachusetts bed bugs continue to rise, which is why you should remain vigilant wherever your summer travel plans take you. 

So here are some tips for avoiding bed bugs in Massachusetts hotels during your summer travel. It could be the difference maker between a fun, summer adventure and one that truly bites. Massachusetts bed bugs

  1. Inspect the seams of your mattress. You may find live bed bugs, their casings, or droppings close to this area of the mattress.
  2. Keep your luggage off the floor. If there are luggage racks in your room, use them!
  3. Ask the hotel manager if your room has a history of confirmed bed bug sightings or treatments.
  4. Inquire if the hotel uses matrress encasements or if their cleaning staff has a training policy and procedure for inspecting for bed bugs during routine room turnover.
  5. Before you check out, take a look at the seems of your luggage. Bed bugs prefer to hide in tight spaces; the seems of your luggage being a prime example. If they hitch a ride home with you, this is one common way.

Burgess Pest Management is the leading Massachusetts bed bug company. Our highly-trained bed bug team quickly inspects, detects, and corrects even the most severe infestations. By using a combination of thermal remediation and conventional bed bug control in Massachusetts, we ensure fast and effective results.

To find out more about bed bugs during summer travel, or any other pest issues you may have, simply send us a request below, and we will be in touch!

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