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Are you afraid of the dark? You might be if you have a centipede problem. Here's how to keep them out of your Massachusetts basement.

I don’t know about you, but I have yet to meet a person who has found a house centipede cute (and I've been doing this a while). Their long bodies, that yellowish brown color, all those spindly legs… Let’s face it, they’d have a hard time at a speed dating event. These guys aren’t exactly the type you want to take home to meet Mom, so here’s how to keep centipedes out of your Massachusetts house.

No, Thanks-- Centipedes in Your BasementThe centipede you find in your basement is the aptly-named house centipede. They need food, moisture, and shelter to survive, so the key to keeping them out of your home is to deny them all of these things.

Weatherproof and seal. Centipedes frequently find their way inside through small access points, such as a crack around a window or gaps around utility lines. Once they’re inside, they have no problem settling in. Replace worn out weatherproofing and seal any openings around pipes or electrical wires to prevent them entering in the first place.

Clean up hiding places. Keep basement floors clean and clear of debris. Try to store as little as possible directly on the floor. Centipedes are nocturnal (adding to the creepy factor) and spend their days in hiding. Any clutter can provide ample cover for hiding, nesting, and laying eggs.

Dehumidify. Like so many creatures on this planet, house centipedes need water to thrive. A dark basement with excess moisture is a surefire attractant for centipedes. Address any plumbing leaks, puddles, condensation, and any areas where water can leak in. A dehumidifier is a good idea to help keep on top of moisture issues, ultimately deterring these leggy lodgers.

Control other pest activity. Centipedes are predators, hunting at night for insects, spiders, and other pests that may be in your home. If centipedes seem perfectly happy in your basement, it could be because other critters have already made themselves comfortable. Controlling pest populations removes food sources for centipedes, ultimately urging them to move along.

They may be helping take down other pests in your home, but they can’t get away with the “nice guy” routine for long. Call Burgess Pest to escort centipedes from your house and help identify any pests that may be luring them in.

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Topics: Cape Cod Pest Control, massachusetts pest control, pest control, pest control tips, south shore pest control

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