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It's that time of year, when the phones at the Burgess Pest office come alive with calls about winged insects. That's our surefire way of knowing springtime is in full swing, and termite swarm season has arrived.

If you have winged insects in or around your home, it's important to correctly identify them in order to solve the problem. Carpenter ant and termite infestations require very different treatment methods, so knowing the difference is key to successful elimination.

[click to enlarge]

Termites vs Flying Ants Graphic


Antennae: Termite antennae are straight, while ant antennae are bent or "elbowed".

Wings: Both ants and termites have two sets of wings. Termite wings will be uniform in length and longer than the body; flying ants have two sets of wings that are uneven in length and shorter than the body.

Body: A termite will have a soft body and broad waist, while ants have a hard body and "pinched" waist.

Because both termites and carpenter ants can cause costly damage to your home (which is not covered by insurance in the majority of cases), it's best to call a professional at the first sign of a problem. The team at Burgess Pest comes equipped with the know-how and the latest technology to Protect Your Pad from termites, ants, and dozens of other pests - and an estimate is always free.

P.S. For even more information and tips about termites, ants, and anything else that's bugging you, check out our free 2024 Spring Pest Guidebook!

More Information or Request an Estimate

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