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With Halloween around the corner, it makes sense to feature the real-life vampire: Bed bugs.

How do I know if I have bed bugs MassachusettsThis pest is a paranoia-inducing one, and for good reason – bed bugs literally come out at night to drink our blood and are extremely difficult to get rid of. The good news is, with a little basic knowledge about these vampiric vermin, you can avoid falling victim to a bed bug infestation.

How can I tell if I have bed bugs?

Bed bugs are adept at hiding, but there are common signs to watch for:

  • Bite marks or welts on your body – they may itch, but that is not the case for everyone;

  • Small dark brown or black dots (bed bug waste) on sheets or mattresses;

  • Blood stains on sheets, mattresses, or clothing;

  • Live bugs on mattresses, box springs, or other furniture – Bed bugs are small, brown, flat, and oval-shaped. When checking beds, look in dark, tight areas like under mattresses and in seams, in bed frames, and along headboards

Knowing the signs of a bed bug problem can help you catch an infestation before it’s too late – call a professional immediately if you suspect bed bugs in your home.

How did bed bugs get into my home?How did bed bugs get into my home?

Bed bugs do not discriminate; they can be found in the cleanest of homes. Because they do not fly and are not accomplished jumpers, they inadvertently travel in the luggage of those unfortunate enough to come in contact with them. They can be picked up in hotel rooms, theater seats, airports, on public transportation, even in a friend or family member’s home. Once inside, bed bugs reproduce quickly and can spread to unexpected areas of your house.

How can I avoid bed bugs?

Because they are quite common, the best defense against bed bugs is a good offense. Some tips to prevent bringing bed bugs home include:

  • Keep things tidy, especially around headboards and nightstands and beneath beds, to reduce bed bug hiding places;
  • Regularly launder sheets, comforters, and dust ruffles, as well as curtains and tapestries that hang near beds, especially if you have had guests staying over;
  • Vacuum regularly - while this won’t eliminate a bed bug infestation, vacuuming frequently can help to reduce or prevent populations;
  • Check your bags: Bed bugs are skilled hitchhikers, crawling into suitcases, purses, backpacks, and any other luggage with dark, tight spaces like seams and pockets. Consider packing items such as clothing, bedding, towels, or pillows in sealed plastic bags;
  • Do not place luggage on the floor if staying in a hotel: Leave it in the car, use the luggage rack, or even place it in the bathtub until you’ve inspected your accommodations;
  • When returning from travel, inspect your suitcases before going inside, then launder clothing and bedding, and be vigilant for signs of bed bugs in your home or on your body

How can I get rid of bed bugs for good?

There are varying methods of bed bug elimination; often, a combination approach of thermal remediation, plus a conventional residual application is needed. Do-it-yourself bed bug control is not recommended as bed bugs are resistant to many over-the-counter products, and self-treatment can exacerbate the problem.

Accurate identification, selection of the appropriate treatment method, and proper execution of treatments are critical to eliminating a bed bug infestation – that’s why you should call the experts at Burgess Pest at the first sign of a problem.

Let's Talk Bed Bugs

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