The end of summer doesn't mean the end of pests - it simply means pests are changing their behavior. Ticks, mice, and spiders are still very much active in fall - Download our checklist for tips to keep your Massachusetts home pest-free this season.
Top 3 Fall Pests
Ticks. Ticks can be active year-round in Massachusetts - yes, even in winter. Reduce your risk of tick-borne diseases by taking precautions all year long: wear long sleeves and pants when spending time outdoors; opt for light-colored clothing to make ticks easier to spot; use EPA-approved repellents; know where to check for ticks, and learn how to safely remove them. Check out our Tick Season Survival Guide for more tips.
Mice. As the days get shorter and the weather gets cooler, mice kick into high gear seeking warm shelter for the winter. Mice can access your home in creative ways, from cracks in foundation and gaps around utility lines to small openings around doors and windows - and they are prolific breeders, so you definitely want to learn how to keep them out!
Spiders. Fear of spiders is one of the most common phobias, and even if you aren't terrified of them, you probably don't want to share your home with them. Because small spiders have had all summer to grow, they are more noticeable in fall, and many are out and about looking for a mate this time of year.
DIY Pest Control Tips for Fall
Deny access. If you want to keep pests out, it's important to close off even the smallest of entry points around your home. Seal cracks and crevices around your foundation or openings around utility lines and make sure all doors and windows close securely.
Keep clean. Don't let pests think your home is a bed & breakfast! Regularly clean contact surfaces, particularly in kitchen and dining areas, and store food (including pet food) in airtight containers. Take trash out regularly and place in sealed bins. Reduce clutter and keep stored items like cardboard boxes and plastic bins off the floor.
Be wary. Inspect packages and grocery bags for any hitchhikers before bringing them inside.
Don't forget the yard. Keep grass and shrubs trimmed and tree branches cut back from your home. Eliminate leaf litter and other yard debris. Store firewood off the ground and away from your foundation.
Download the Free Checklist
This is a lot of information to remember - Download a copy of our Fall Pest Control Checklist and keep it handy!